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Corporate Services

When Life-Coaching meets the Corporate world

Training and Workshops:

The high quality workshops and lectures I give are focused on needs which the HR managers find to be useful for their organisation. 

All my materials are unique and the workshops are original, which I believe is one of the reasons for them being received so well. The other is my confidence in front of audience. Such ability stems from over 20 years of being a teacher, trainer and a public speaker (including a TEDx talk).

My workshops touch on subjects such as:
•    Improving communication skills: including listening skills, giving feedback, delegating abilities.
•    Team building : including learning to work collaboratively, building trust, giving effective feedback.
•    Leadership skills: I believe that good leaders lead from within themselves, and this is what my workshops focus on: authenticity in leadership, developing leaders’ self-confidence, empowering direct reports and emotional intelligence.
•    Strengthening the wellbeing of staff: including improving resilience, positive mental-attitude, dealing with change.

Those workshops have recently received very positive feedback in places like the UN and in Shell, and in various other smaller companies and settings. They have been experienced as thought provoking, engaging, informative and encouraging.




While coaching in organisations I work with these main 3 pillars:

Pillar 1: Management and Middle management:


Higher professionals in the organisation constantly need support.

What tends to happen is that the more you’re promoted, the more alone you feel.

Managers, just like anyone else, need a listening ear.
They need to unload and share their worries and feelings as well as their success stories.
They need advice and support on how to proceed and on decision making.

But the world of a manager can be a very lonely world.

This is where I come to the picture.


I help higher professionals:

  • Maintain high motivation

  • Open up, share and be emotionally supported

  • Seek new insights into new situations

  • Create effective and supportive team work

  • Ensure that they improve on their management skills


My experience shows that a few one on one sessions can make a huge difference in the confidence, planning and delivering results.

When in management positions, it is of very high importance that the coach be from outside the organisation and is completely unbiased to ensure feeling of confidentiality.

This is where I come in!



Pillar 2: Redundancies:


Reorganisations resulting in some redundancies are unavoidable in any organisation.

It is of high importance however for HR and managers to support colleagues who are in the process of losing their jobs.


Support for these colleagues will

  • Ensure keeping highly motivated workers to the end of their post. Low motivation in the months before the actual leave can cost the company a lot of money.

  • Ensure keeping a positive atmosphere in the company.

  • Protect the good name of the company, showing it as one which takes care of its workers in bad times as well as good times. 

  • ​

Coaching can help by

  • Offering help to deal with changes

  • Aiding people regain control of their career path

  • Accompanying individuals with the emotional (and usually negative) path redundancy may bring: helping people understand the bigger picture and that what happens is probably nothing personal against them. This is vital to prevent work related depression, burnout and cases of self-harming.

  • Supporting people in approaching the future change with a positive prospective

  • Assisting in decision making regarding future employment possibilities

  • Seeing redundancies as opportunities for the future


Pillar 3: Preventing sick leave


Stress at work, tension between colleagues and pressure because of workload are only a few reasons why people take short or long term sick leave.

Even if a worker is not taking time off but they’re feeling stressed and feel the strain, they inevitably become less motivated and then less effective.

Both can be disastrous to an organisation, and quickly lead to:

  • High staffing costs

  • Upsetting feelings and a negative environment in the organisation

  • High investment in temporary staff

  • Possible reduction in profit

Coaching and counselling can be crucial in cases related to any sick leave, but especially for sick leave resulting from stress and burnout.


The helping process will:

  • Aid workers to gain control over their feelings

  • Help them recalculate their options and stick to their decisions

  • Be honest with themselves and the organisation about their needs

  • Gain control over their work life

  • Learn to maintain a better balance for the future

  • Teach the worker to avoid recurrent stress situations

  • Help sustain a positive attitude to work in the organisation





Here's a personal story:


"What department in your organisation will you not be able to function without?" I asked a general manager of one of the International corporates here in The Hague.

"Human Resources" he replied.

"Because it's the people in the organisation who move it forward.
Nothing will get done if the one resource called human will not function as best as they possibly can."


When I come to an organisation I come to support the individual employee in order for them to fit and function well in the organisation.


In my work with companies I offer a range of lectures and workshops and personal coaching sessions, for all workers from the CEOs and directors to the last employee in the organisation. We work on their strengths, values and motivation.
We look at empowering them to fulfil as much of their potential and abilities, because we know now that these are the things which will help them to come to work with a smile and give 100% of themselves.



And on a more personal note: You probably ask yourself, why did I choose to use first person in this website and not third-person addressing which is usually the case in such website?


The answer lies in your question:


In everything I do, I bring MYSELF and my ability to listen, overlook and analyse situations.
I bring that to the work with clients and I can bring that to your organisation too.

This is how I work my magic in companies and organisations such as the UN, Shell, the International Criminal Court and more.
I come with a fresh way of looking at things, look at what's there and what do YOU want to achieve, and help the individuals and the whole organisation achieve it.



Read about

Leadership Qualities/Management Skills/Create Ideal Corporate Culture/Giving & Receiving Feedback/Team Building/Effectivity

Past and present clients:

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